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20, Valid Parentheses

MikeAbout 1 minstack/queueeasystringstack

I Problem

Given a string s containing just the characters '(', ')', '{', '}', '[' and ']', determine if the input string is valid.

An input string is valid if:

  1. Open brackets must be closed by the same type of brackets.
  2. Open brackets must be closed in the correct order.
  3. Every close bracket has a corresponding open bracket of the same type.

Example 1
Input: s = "()"
Output: true

Example 2
Input: s = "()[]{}"
Output: true

Example 3
Input: s = "(]"
Output: false


  • 1 <= s.length <= 10⁴
  • s consists of parentheses only '()[]{}'.

Related Topics

  • String
  • Stack

II Solution

Approach 1: Use Stack

/// Time Complexity: O(n)
/// Space Complexity: O(n)
pub fn is_valid(s: String) -> bool {
    let mut stack = vec![];
    let is_match = |l_char: char, r_char: char| -> bool {
        match (l_char, r_char) {
            ('(', ')') | ('{', '}') | ('[', ']') => true,
            _ => false,

    for ch in s.chars() {
        match ch {
            '(' | '{' | '[' => {
            ')' | '}' | ']' => match stack.pop() {
                None => return false,
                Some(l_ch) => {
                    if !is_match(l_ch, ch) {
                        return false;
            _ => panic!("Unsupported char: {}", ch),


Approach 2: Optimize Use Stack

/// Time Complexity: O(n)
/// Space Complexity: O(n + ∣Σ∣)
pub fn is_valid(s: String) -> bool {
    let mut stack = vec![];
    let map = HashMap::from([(')', '('), ('}', '{'), (']', '[')]);

    for ch in s.chars() {
        match map.get(&ch) {
            None => {
            Some(&map_l_ch) => match stack.pop() {
                None => return false,
                Some(stack_l_ch) => {
                    if map_l_ch != stack_l_ch {
                        return false;
